
Accreditation Reaffirmation Documents

Assurance Argument

The Assurance Argument consists of a report that communicates how the institution meets the HLC criteria for accreditation. Along with the report, corroborating evidence for statements made in the narrative report must be collected and submitted. The process of writing the report and gathering evidence includes many key areas across campus and the engagement of a faculty and staff. 

Federal Compliance Report

The Federal Compliance Report demonstrates that the institution is meeting their Title IV program responsibility, as well as complying with the expectations of specific regulations set by the U.S. Department of Education. Compliance with these federal requirements is necessary for Kent State to remain eligible to receive federal financial aid. As a federally recognized accrediting agency, HLC is required to conduct this review as part of a Comprehensive Evaluation. 

Multi-Campus Report

As part of a Comprehensive Evaluation, HLC requires that institutions in the Open Pathway that have one or more branch campuses must submit a report. This report offers an overview of operations at specified branch campuses. During the Site Visit, peer reviewers will also visit branch campuses to evaluate their quality.