Versie Johnson-Mallard
Dean Johnson-Mallard is a recognized national leader with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), National League for Nursing (NLN) and American Academy of Nursing (AAN) who works as an agent for collaborative opportunities for faculty, staff and students. Her strategic vision for the College of Nursing is to work collectively with other academic units on building research, scholarship and education initiatives.
Dean Johnson-Mallard led funding collaborations with NASEM and National Institutes of Health (NIH) and engaged academic institutions, such as the UF Health Cancer Center, in developing interprofessional scientific innovations on cancer technology, prevention and management. Her research focus is on first generation and underserved populations of health care professionals and health consumers in the field of reproductive health methodology, culturally specific interventions as well as identifying strategies which may be used to inhibit the oncogenic activity of high-risk HPV genotypes.
2020-2021. V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-investigator, Keys to success in the Health Sciences, an interdisciplinary black student cohort program across the UF Health Science Center. OR-DRPD-ARJ2020 UF Research
2020-2023 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-investigator, Improving Head and Neck Cancer Treatment with Community Engagement. PI Stephanie Staras, P30 COE, 2.5 % of 129,000
Purpose: to bridge the divide between basic scientists and community stakeholders to improve patient outcomes.
2019 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-investigator, FACCA Disparity Think Tank. PI Diana Wilkie. Florida Academic Cancer Centers Alliance (FACCA), 2.5 % of $300,000
2018 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-Investigator, Tailoring HPV Vaccination Intervention Strategies to Local Area Needs. PI Stephanie Staras. University of Florida Health Cancer Center, $50,000
Purpose: To create a regional advisory board to contribute to intervention development, an action plan for increasing HPV vaccination and intervention implementation.
2018 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-Investigator, A Randomized trial of Music to Decrease Anxiety in Women Starting Radiation Therapy for Cancer. PI Robert Ambur MD and Lillie O’steen Associate Principal Investigator, Department of Radiation Oncology
Purpose: To determine if listening to music reduces anxiety in female cancer patients during the first radiotherapy treatment session.
2017 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator, Sexually Transmitted Infection Cancer Knowledge among Health Care Providers. University of Florida, College of Nursing $15K
Purpose: Using a researcher developed Sexually Transmitted Infection Cancer Knowledge Survey (STICKS) to investigate healthcare provider’s knowledge of HPV and its link to cancer.
2015-2017 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator, Using Nurse Directed Virtual Environments to Prevent Sexual and Reproductive Cancers; University of Florida, College of Nursing $15K
Purpose: to use far reaching technology to educate young adults, underserves girls and adolescents about cancer causing sexually transmitted viruses.
2014-17 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator. Women’s Health Content of Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Curricula across the U. S. In collaboration with the Women’s Health Expert Panel of AAN. (No funding sought)
Purpose: To illuminate the women’s health content of Nurse Practitioner primary care curricula across the United States and prompt scholastic improvement to assure that women’s sexual and reproductive health care needs are met.
2013 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator. Blue Bra Initiative Respecting Women. University of South Florida ($1000).
Purpose: to call attention to the Blue Bra Initiative around issues of women in Scotland and the US.
2013 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator. Virtual Environments and its use in Viral Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention. University of South Florida ($6400).
Purpose: The objective of this proposal is to identify a web-based intervention that may enhance knowledge and decrease risky sexual behavior among young adults aged 18-25 years.
2014 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-Investigator. Women’s Health Content of NP Primary Care Curricula across the U. S. In collaboration with the Women’s Health Expert Panel of AAN.
Purpose: To illuminate the women’s health content of NP primary care curricula across the U. S. and prompt scholastic improvement to assure that women’s sexual and reproductive health care needs are met.
2011- 2013 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator. A School Nurse Intervention Directed at Increasing Reproductive Health Education in Underserved Girls and Adolescents. Department of Health and Human Services, /OPHS/Women’s Health. ($16,000)
Purpose: To utilize School nurses who receive an education intervention will significantly increase their knowledge and propensity to recommend healthy reproductive education to underserved girls and adolescents.
2010-2013 V. Johnson-Mallard, Co-Core Leader. Cancer Prevention & Control Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) (P20) ($6,000,000).
Purpose: Develop infrastructure to conduct cancer health disparities research and provide education and training, while collaboratively engaging the community in all facets of the activities.
2009-2012 V. Johnson-Mallard, Principal Investigator. Word of Mouth: An Intervention Study Targeted at Decreasing Viral STIs among a Diverse Group of Young Adult Males and Females. Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholar ($350,000).
Purpose: The broad objective of this proposal is to identify web-based interventions (e.g. e-cards) that enhance knowledge and decrease risky sexual behavior among a diverse population of young adults ages 18 to 25 years, and based on the Theory of Planned Behavior.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing – University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Master of Science in Medical Science – University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Specialty in Clinical and Translational Research, Patient-Oriented Research, Epidemiologic and Behavioral Studies, and Outcomes and Health Services Research
Master of Science in Nursing – University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Specialty as Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner: Obstetrics, Gynecology and Primary Care of Women
Bachelor of Science in Nursing –Florida A&M University, Tampa, FL
- O’steen, L., Lockney, N. A., Morris, C. G., Johnson-Mallard, V., et at., 2021. A prospective randomized trial of the influence of music on anxiety in patients starting radiation therapy for cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Bio.*Physics.
- Aldossary, D., Black, L.V., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., Submitted November 12 ,2020. Characteristics Associated with Reproductive Intent in Sickle Cell Disease or Trait. Research in Nursing and Health. Pending.
- Oguntoye, A.O., Eades, N.T., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., Submitted November 13, 2020. Parenting Plans of Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease or Sickle Cell Trait. Journal of Family Nursing. Pending.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Jones, R., Coffman, M., Gauda, J., Deming, K., Pacheco, M., & Campbell, J. (2019). The Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholars Diversity and Inclusion Research. Health Equity, 3(1), 297-303.
- Lengacher, C. A., Reich, R. R., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2019. A large randomized trial: effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for breast Cancer (BC) survivors on salivary cortisol and IL-6. Biological research for nursing, 21(1),39-49.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Darville, G., Mercado, R., et al., 2019. How Health Care Providers Can Use Digital Health Technologies to Inform Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Decision Making and Promote the HPV Vaccine Uptake Among Adolescents and Young Adults. BioRes.
- Roye, C. F., Johnson-Mallard, V., Burke, P., Alexander, I. M., Taylor, D., Greenberg, C. S., & Czubaruk, K. (2018). The American Academy of Nursing on policy proposed healthcare policy changes threaten women's health. Nursing outlook, 66(6), 586-589.
- Darville, G., Anderson – Lewis, C., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2018. Breaking It Down: How Insurance Status, Age & Gender impact HPV Information Seeking & HPV Vaccine uptake among Adolescent and Young Adults. Health Promotion in the Era of Social Media.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Curry, K., Chandler, R., Alexander, I., Kostas-Polston, E., Orsega, S., & Woods, N. F. (2018). Managing sexually transmitted infections: Beyond the 2015 guidelines. The Nurse Practitioner, 43(8), 28-34.
- Perez, G. A., Rose, K. M., Caceres, B. A., Spurlock, W., Bowers, B., Lutz, B.,…Johnson-Mallard,V.,…. & Taylor, D. (2018). Position statement: Policies to support family caregivers. Nursing outlook, 66(3), 337-340.
- Olshansky, E., Taylor, D., Johnson-Mallard, V., Halloway, S., & Stokes, L. (2018). Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Access & Justice: Where Nursing Stands. Nursing outlook, 66(4), 416-422.
- Reich, R. R., Lengacher, C. A., Johnson-Mallard, V., et all, 2017. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR [BC]) on Levels of Inflammatory Biomarkers among Recovering Breast Cancer Survivors. Bio. Research.
- Taylor, D., Olshansky, E. F., Woods, N. F., Johnson-Mallard, V., Safriet, B. J., & Hagan, T. (2017). Position statement: Political interference in sexual and reproductive health research and health professional education1. Nursing Outlook, 65(2), 242-245.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A., Woods, N. F., Simmonds, K. E., Alexander, I. M., & Taylor, D. (2017). Unintended pregnancy: a framework for prevention and options for midlife women in the US. Women's Midlife Health, 3(1), 8.
- Reich, R.R., Lengacher, C.A., Johnson-Mallard, et al., 2017. Mindfulness-based stress reduction in post-treatment breast cancer patients: immediate and sustained effects across multiple symptom clusters. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management.
- Woods, N. F., Johnson-Mallard, V., & Taylor, D. (2016). Who Cares for Midlife Women? .Journal of Women’s Health 25(12). DOI 10.1069
- Lengacher, C. L., Reich, R.R., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2016. Examination of Broad Symptom Improvement due to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
- Groer, M. W., Kostas-Polston, E. A. Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2016. Allostatic perspectives in women veterans with a history of childhood sexual assault. Biological research for nursing,
- Thomas, T. L., Stephens, D. P., Johnson-Mallard, V., & Higgins, M. (2016). Young Hispanic men and human papillomavirus vaccination choices. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27(2), 103-108.
- Lengacher, C., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2016. The Influence of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR (BC) for Breast Cancer survivors (BCS) on Serum Cytokines. Pscyho-oncology, 25, 40-41.
- Lengacher, C., Reich, R., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2016. Evaluation of the Protective Psychosocial Benefits of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer among Breast Cancer Survivors in Transition off Treatment. Psycho-oncology, 25,127-128.
- Lambert, C. C., Chandler, R., Johnson-Mallard, et all, 2015. Pap test adherence, cervical cancer perceptions, and HPV knowledge among HIV-infected women in a community health setting. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 26(3), 271-280.
- Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R.R., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2015. A symptom cluster trial, the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR(BC) on symptom clusters among breast cancer survivors. International Psycho-Oncology Society in Wash. D.C.
- Kostas-Polston, E. A. & Johnson-Mallard, V. (2015). Protruding mass. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(3), 373-376. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.11.026
- Berg, J., Woods, N. F., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2014. Breaking Down Silos: the future of sexual and reproductive health care and opinion of the women’s health expert panel of the American Academy of Nursing. Journal of the AANP, 26(1).
- Taylor, D., Johnson-Mallard, V., Berg, et al., 2014. A response from the Women’s Health Expert Panel of the American Academy of Nursing. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 26(6), 290-291.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, K., James, B.R., et all., 2014. Second Life a Cervical Cancer Education Intervention for Adolescent Young Adults. Journal Psycho-Oncology, V23, Issue SupplementS1, 145-149.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., James, B.R., Kip, K., Lengacher, C., Mangini, L., Passmore, D., (2014) Me, Myself, and My Avatar: The Feasibility of Using Second Life for STI Prevention Education. Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs. 2 (1), 41-42
- Hickey, K. T., Hodges, E. A., Johnson-Mallard, V. M., et al., 2014. Initial evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation nurse faculty scholars program. Nursing outlook, 62(6), 394-401.
- Massad, L. S., Einstein, M. H., Johnson-Mallard, V. M., et al., 2013. 2012 updated consensus guidelines for the management of abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 7(5), S1-S27.
- Chandler, R., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kip, K., & Evans, M. (2013). Media preferences that facilitate interpersonal communication regarding sexual health: Racial differences among college-aged females. Sage Open, October-December, 1-8.
- Araya, W., Johnson-Mallard, V., Evans, M. E., McNerney, D. & Shelton, M. M. (2012). Overview of maternal mortality in Eritrea, sub-Saharan Africa. The African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. 6(4), 171-175.
- Kostas-Polston, E.A., Johnson-Mallard, V., & Berman, N.R. (2012, June). HPV and age appropriate cervical cancer prevention for adolescents. The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care, 37(6), 30-38.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Thomas, T., Lengacher, C., Barta, M., Kostas-Polston, E., Rivers, D. (2012). Nurses’ role in cervical cancer prevention: A Cultural Framework. American Nurse Today. 7 (7), 1-4
- Lengacher, C. A., Shelton, M. M., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2012. Mindfulness based stress reduction in breast cancer: Evaluating fear of recurrence as a mediator of psychological and physical symptoms in randomized control trial. Journal of Medicine.
- Lengacher, C., Jim, H., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2012. Improving quality of life in breast cancer survivors: The cost-effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction. Psycho-Oncology 21(Suppl.1):55-56 doi. 10.1111/j.1099-1611:2011.03029.x.
- Lengacher, C., Jim, H., Johnson-Mallard, V., et al., 2012. Examination of objective sleep quality within an RO1 mindfulness based stress reduction symptom cluster trial for breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology21(Suppl.1)55-56
- Taylor, D., Jones, S., Berg, J., Hagen, T., & Johnson-Mallard, V. Comments on DHHS/Title X proposed regulations to amend 42 CFR part 59: Compliance with Title X Requirements by Project Recipients in Selecting Sub-recipients Prepared for AAN Board
- Johnson-Mallard, V. (2012). A School Nurse Intervention Directed at Increasing Reproductive Health (STD/HIV) Education in Underserved Girls and Adolescents Operations Manual. Report No. Pro00002250
- Dyal, B. W., Powell-Roach, K. L., Greenlee, A., Gordon, D., James, M., Pendergrass, B., Eades, N., Oguntoye, A. O., Cullen, K., Yao, Y., Shenkman, E., Johnson-Mallard, V., Krieger, J. L., Odedina, F., Wilkie, D. J.(2020). Florida Health and Ancestry Study
- Wilkie, D.J., Odedina, F., Krieger, J., Johnson-Mallard, V., & Yao, Y. (2019). Community Outreach and Engagement to Reduce Cancer Disparities. Invited oral presentation at the 2019 Florida Academic Cancer Center Alliance Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Curry, K., Bradley, S., McDaniel, A. (2019). Finding the best match: Innovative Assessment through a Holistic-Evaluation Process. American Association of College of Nursing, Baccalaureate Education Conference, Orlando Florida.
- Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R.R., Paterson, C.L., Ramesar, S., Johnson-Mallard, V., Jacobsen, P., Alinat, C. A., and Park, J., Y. A symptom cluster trial, the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR(BC) on symptom clusters among BCS. (2015)
- Johnson-Mallard, V., (2015); Efficacy of a Virtual World Intervention for Cervical Cancer Education. Peer reviewed presentation at the Southern Nursing Research Society meeting, Tampa FL
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, K., James, B.R., Kip, K., Lengacher, C., Mangini, L., Passmore, D. (2014) Second Life a Cervical Cancer Education Intervention for Adolescent Young Adults, American Psychosocial Oncology Society, (2014)
- Johnson-Mallard, V., James, B.R., Kip, K., Lengacher, C., Mangini, L., Passmore, D., (2014) Me, Myself, and My Avatar: The Feasibility of Using Second Life for STI Prevention Education. Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs. February 2014
- Nutting, C., Kostas-Polston, E.A., Johnson-Mallard, V, & Alexander, I. (2014, June). Provider prescribing and clinical monitoring practices in patients using bioidentical hormone therapy. Peer-reviewed presentation at AANP Conference.
- Nutting, C., Kostas-Polston, E.A., Johnson-Mallard, V., & Alexander, I. (2014, Oct). Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Prescribing and Monitoring Habits of Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners. Peer-reviewed presentation.
- Alexander, I. M., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E., Fogel, C. I., & Woods, N. F. (Eds.). (2016). Women's Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing. Springer Publishing Company.
- Johnson-Mallard, V., & Fugate Woods, N., (2016). Women and Their Health. In Alexander, I., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A., Fogel, C. I., & Woods, N. F. (Eds.), Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York: Springer Publishing
- Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A, (2016). Well Woman’s Health. In Alexander, I., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A., Fogel, C. I., & Woods, N. F. (Eds.), Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York: Springer Publishing
- Johnson-Mallard, V., & Kostas-Polston, E. A., Jay, N., (2016). Human Papillomavirus. In Alexander, I., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A., Fogel, C. I., & Woods, N. F. (Eds.), Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York: Springer
- Woods, N. F., Johnson-Mallard, V., Kostas-Polston, E. A., Taylor, D., Berg, J. A., Shaver, J. L., & Olshansky, E. F. (2014). Women's health: Evolution of the science and clinical specialty. In Women's Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan.
- Johnson-Mallard, V (2021). Advocating for Overlooked Communities: Health Equity Challenges, Thursday, October 7, from 12:45-1:45pm ET at the Marriott Marquis in DC.
- Johnson-Mallard, V. (2021). Open Education Resources and Digital Media. Annual Equity, Inclusion and Access. March 29-30. Union New Jersey.
- Johnson-Mallard, V (2020). Celebrating Women in the Health Professions and Sciences, Academic Health UF Health Science Center
- Johnson-Mallard, V, Kostas-Polston, E.A., (2017). Cancer Moonshot: The Threat of Poor HPV Vaccine Uptake & the Fight Against Cancer. American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Conference, Philadelphia. June, 2017
- Johnson-Mallard, V. You are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention. Understanding the Burden of HPV Disease, the Importance of the HPV Vaccine Recommendation, and Successfully Communicating about HPV Vaccination Florida AHEC Network, June 8, 2017
- Johnson-Mallard, V. Discussion with A Nurse Researcher On Their Career And Research Program, Summer Health Professions Education Program, June 30, 2017
- Johnson-Mallard, V, Kostas-Polston, E.A., (2016). Intrauterine Device/System (IUD/IUS) Insertion and Removal Training for the Provider of Primary Care Services to Women Invited workshop at the American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Con.
- Johnson-Mallard, V. Millennials as Consumers of Nurse Practitioner Education and Practice: Expectations, Attitude and Social Norms, American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Conference, Austin, TX. June, 2016
- Johnson-Mallard, V, Me, Myself, and My Avatar: the feasibility of Using Second Life for Cervical Cancer Prevention Education, SHARC Team Meeting November 10, 2016
- Johnson-Mallard, V. Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers. Research Colloquium, UF, CON January 2016
- Lengacher, C., Reich, R., Kip, K., Shivers, S., Newton, C., Szekeres, C., ... & Moscoso, M. Johnson-Mallard, V (2016). The Influence of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR (BC) for Breast Cancer survivors (BCS) on Serum Cytokines. Pscyho-oncology,
- Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R., Johnson-Mallard, V., Paterson, C.L., Ramesar, S., Shelton, M., and Kip, K. E. Sustained clinical treatment effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, MBSR(BC) on physical symptom and quality of life. 2015
- Johnson-Mallard, V, Kostas-Polston, E.A.,. (2014). Long Acting Reversible Contraception Workshop & Hands-On Training. Invited workshop at the American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s 29th National Conference, Nashville, TN. June17, 2014 Nashville TN
- Invited: International Council on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI) 20th Annual ICOWHI Congress on Women’s Health 2014: Partnering for a Brighter Global Future, Cape Town, South Africa HPV A Cancer Causing Viral STI. 2014.
- Invited: XIII Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium, Research on Technology Assisted Interventions, Miami Florida, September 2012
- Invited: XIII Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium, The Next Generation of Health Disparities Scientist: PhD Training and Mentorship of Junior Faculty Interventions, Miami Florida, September, 2012
- Invited: International Council on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI) 19th Annual ICOWHI Congress on Women’s Health 2012: Partnering for a Brighter Global Future, Bangkok, Thailand The Blue Bra Campaign Respecting Women. November 2012
- Sigma Theta Tau International National Honor Society of Nursing
- National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
- American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
- Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science
- Southern Nursing Research Society
- Polk County Advanced Practice Nurses Association
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
- American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Elected Board Member American Academy of Nursing, 2021
- Invited Member University Campus Culture Sub Task Force for Wellness Collaborative
- Invited Member University Professional Curriculum Committee Task Force for Graduate Programs
- Invited Member American Academy of Nursing Annual Conference Planning Committee, 2020-2023
- Invited Panel Member Celebrating Women in the Health Professions and Sciences, Academic Health Center
- Invited Member National League for Nursing Nominations Committee 2020 – 2023
- Invited Member National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine Board on Gulf Education and Engagement 2020 - 2024.
- Invited Chair: American Academy of Nursing, Women’s Health Expert Panel
- Invited Member: Board of Trustees Memorial Community Hospital
- Invited Member: 2019 Southern Nursing Research Society Local Planning Committee
- Director at Large: Board of Directors Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
- Co-lead: American Academy Nursing, Women’s Health Expert Panel
- Member: Diversity Action Team with Florida Blue Action Coalition
- Member: American Cancer Society/Center for Disease Control HPV vaccination Middle School Based Parent Education Task Group