Benjamin Kwasa, M.Eng., Ph.D.
College of Aeronautics & Engineering
Assistant Professor
Dr. Benjamin Kwasa is administrator for the Extended Reality (XR) Research Lab.
Technical Interests
Organization Design in the Design of Complex Systems, Operations Research, Value-Driven Design, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Heuristic Optimization, Systems Engineering, Preference Formulation and Communication, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Engineering Education, Decision Analysis, System Requirements Development, Virtual Engineering, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Healthcare Systems.
Courses Taught
- Advanced Aircraft Structures
- Aerospace Systems Integration
- Aerospace Vehicle Performance
- Aircraft Design (Capstone)
- Aircraft Performance and Design
- Aircraft Systems I & II
- Engineering Mechanics – Statics
- Engineering Problems with Computer Applications Laboratory
- Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving
- Mathematical Programming (Graduate Level)
- Operations Research
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2017
M.Eng. Systems Engineering, Iowa State University, 2016
B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2012
M.Eng. Systems Engineering, Iowa State University, 2016
B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2012
Aerospace Engineering
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering
- Vanfossan, S., Dagli,C., Kwasa, B. "An Agent-Based Approach to Artificial Stock Market Modeling." Procedia Computer Science 168 (2020): 161-169.
- Philpott, R., III; Kwasa, B.J.; Bloebaum, C.L. Use of a Value Model to Ethically Govern Various Applications of Small UAS. Drones 2018, 2, 3.
- Vidyadharan, A.; Philpott, R., III; Kwasa, B.J.; Bloebaum, C.L. Analysis of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems Based on Operational Scenarios Using Value Modelling. Drones 2017, 1, 5.
- Kimani, F.W.; Mwangi, S.M.; Kwasa, B.J.; Kusow, A.M.; Ngugi, B.K.; Chen, J.; Liu, X.; Cademartiri, R.; Thuo, M.M. Rethinking the Design of Low-Cost Point-of-Care Diagnostic Devices. Micromachines 2017, 8, 317
- American Society for Engineering Management Founder’s Award for Best Student Chapter, 2020
- American Society for Engineering Management Founder’s Award for Best Student Chapter, 2018
- Teaching Excellence Award, Fall 2016
- Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship for demonstrating professional and creative promise, February 2014