
Janna '19

I loved every moment of my time in the KSU interpreting program. Sure, there were plenty of different classes and lots of struggle toward self-improvement. But those experiences were exactly what I needed to prepare me for the challenging and rewarding work of ASL interpreting. 

My fondest memories of my time in college were the moments I spent studying, volunteering, and practicing with my fellow students. With such a small class size compared to other majors, we were able to build intimate friendships and support one another. Each of the professors was able to get to know us individually and as a class unit.

They helped us to identify our strengths and weaknesses and worked with each of us to develop our skills. This kind of feedback is unique and should not be taken for granted. I know I will never forget the things I learned about myself and about interpreting through this amazing program.

Janna- '19