Student-led Streaming
Student-led Streaming
This microcredential will explore how students and trainees can be involved with streaming production processes and dynamics. This content aims at introducing educators to best strategies in making their learning audiences an active component of the instructional process.
CREDENTIAL: Educational Live Streaming
CREDITS: 1.0 CEU (10 hours)
AUTHOR: Dr. Enrico Gandolfi
How to Earn This Microcredential
Participants will need to submit evidence related to learning, implementing, and reflecting on involving real or hypothetical students with the educational live streaming process. This includes showing evidence of how students can play an active role in learning processes through lessons plans, reflective statements, or concrete examples of these efforts.
Participants submitting this microcredential for review will be assessed an administrative fee of $50. Participants who successfully complete the microcredential will receive a certificate showing completion of 1.0 CEU.
Why Get This Microcredential?
This microcredential is part of the Educational Live Streaming credential. This last course of the credential addresses the switch from teacher-led production to student-drive production to make learners protagonists in sharping this learning technology. This is aligned with the need to have students playing an active role in interacting with instructional materials and tools.
Benefits of this Microcredential
As any learning technology, live streaming can fully realize its potential when its end-users – students, trainees, and so on – can contribute to its implementation and use. As such, this last microcredential explores how educators can facilitate this process and develop tasks and assignments that promote the importance of live streaming as an educational opportunity that is able to promote self-confidence, autonomy, and creativity.
Evidence Review
Candidates interested in earning this microcredential must submit three pieces of evidence: one piece related to learning, one related to implementing, and one related to reflecting.
When you are ready for your evidence review, submit your pieces of evidence for feedback from a qualified instructor.