
Building Healthy Relationships Across Kent State

Is your group hosting a talk, workshop or speaker during October’s Relationship Abuse Awareness Month (RAAM)? Add your event to the university’s RAAM calendar. The Center for Sexual & Relationship Violence Support Services (SRVSS) is coordinating the calendar and will be hosting several events during the month in conjunction with other offices and student groups throughout Kent State. We want to support your event, too.

If your department, division, college, or student organization is hosting an event in October related to relationship abuse, let us know.  .

You can also join in hosting events already scheduled. Email Yvette Roberts, Assistant Director at yroberts@kent.edu to partner with us.

Current Schedule of Events

  • October 4: Take Back the Night March and Speak Out – 7 p.m.  Outside the MACC Entrance; Speak Out 9 p.m. at the Williamson House
  • October 11, 18 & 27: Titanium Tulips Series of Self Care Programming  6 p.m. at the Williamson House
  • October 13:  Movie Screening and Discussion:  “Home Truth”  - 6 p.m. in the KSC Ballroom Balcony
  • October 26-27: The Clothesline Project Display – All Day  2nd floor of the KSC
  • October 27: More than Words: Healing through the Arts – 6 p.m. at the Williamson House

The Center for Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services empowers those affected by power-based personal violence, educates the community about healthy relationships and bystander action and advocates for social change towards an intolerance to harm. Visit www.kent.edu/srvss for more information.


POSTED: Thursday, September 8, 2022 03:55 PM
UPDATED: Friday, September 20, 2024 03:34 AM