
Approved Revised Policies

Policy name:
What has changed: Revised policy adds two degrees to the list of programs that cannot be taken in conjunction with or subsequent to another degree program; and adds additional resources and FAQ. (KSU login required).
Scope: Undergraduate and graduate students

Policy name:
What has changed: Revised policy reflects current practices. (KSU login required).
Scope: Undergraduate and graduate students

Policy name:
What has changed: Revised policy includes more explanation to help students understand the meaning and purpose of midterm evaluations. In addition, recommendations have been made to improve several business practices (not policy) surrounding midterm evaluations, including open midterm grading to all undergraduate courses and to develop better communication to students surround midterm evaluations. (KSU login required).
Scope: Students enrolled in lower-division undergraduate courses (00000, 10000, 20000 levels)

Policy name:
What has changed: Revised policy includes (1) elimination of Kent State courses under the definition of "transfer" (2) removal of 50% transfer credit for certificates/minors, which will be moved to the Residence Policy (3) clarification on how transfer credit counts toward overall hours, GPA, etc.; and (4) clarification on KSU students taking courses at other institutions. (KSU login required).
Scope: Graduate students