
Global Impacts of the Romanian Blouse

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Thursday, 13 January, 2022 - 12:00 pm to Thursday, 13 January, 2022 - 1:00 pm

Online via Zoom

As Stitched: Regional Dress Across Europe nears the end of its run, join us on Thursday, Jan. 13 for a talk with Andreea Tănăsescu, President of La Blouse Roumaine a non-governmental organization that promotes the preservation of the Romanian textile heritage, cultural and sustainable fashion. Tănăsescu will discuss the global impacts of the Romanian Blouse throughout the past 100 years. 

Andreea Tănăsescu is the creator and founder of La blouse roumaine movement that has contributed decisively to the rebirth and renewed interest in traditional Romanian culture on a global scale. She is the creator of the Universal Romanian Blouse Day, BrâncuÈ™i Week and Cultural Fashion Day and the President of La blouse roumaine IA Association, a non-governmental organization that promotes the preservation of the Romanian textile heritage, cultural and sustainable fashion. In 2017 Andreea started Give Credit that militates for culturally responsible design. Now she is currently working on the development of the La blouse roumaine platform, coordinating Give Back Credit to the Heritage Communities, an European cultural cooperation project that aims to reset the place of traditional crafts within the new trend for a more sustainable fashion, while promoting and preserving the specificity and mastery of artisans. It is organized in partnership with Gordana Grubjesic Super Star Culture (Republic of Serbia), National Institute of Heritage (Romania) and the University for the Creative Arts – Epsom Business School (United Kingdom) and supported by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission. Andreea studied Law and Public Relations and she has been involved in the fashion, media and movie industry for more than 20 years as a talent agent and casting director for major international film productions as The Fall by Tarsem SinghCallas Forever by Franco Zeffirelli, Amen by Costa Gavras, Modigliani by Mick Davis.


Banner: Exhibition view of Stitched: Regional Dress Across Europe
Square: Detail of Romanian ensemble from Transylvania (KSUM 1987.15.17 a-e)