
6 - 07.4

Administrative policy and procedures regarding the hourly pay schedule for classified civil service staff who are not in a recognized bargaining unit

  1. Kent state university uses a pay grade structure to establish appropriate compensation parameters for classifications. Each classification is assigned to a pay grade in the hourly pay schedule for classified civil service staff. The hourly pay schedule consists of pay grades, each with a minimum and maximum rate. The minimum is the established rate for an employee starting in a new job. The maximum is the highest rate the university currently allocates for each classification.
  2. The pay structure is designed to recognize appropriate competitive practices and internal equity considerations for the university. The effectiveness of the pay schedule will be reviewed at regular intervals by the personnel department. Necessary adjustments will be made, subject to subsequent approval, in order to ensure the pay schedule remains sufficiently competitive within the appropriate labor markets to facilitate effective recruitment, retention, and motivation of classified staff.
  3. The payroll schedule for all employees paid according to this policy is biweekly, with amounts computed on an hourly basis.
  4. Hiring pay rates
    1. A new employee will be hired at the minimum rate established for the pay grade of his/her classification unless otherwise provided in this policy.
    2. If the university is unable to recruit sufficient qualified employees at the minimum rate for a particular classification, the personnel department may advertise an increased starting rate of pay for a particular classification. The increased starting rate cannot exceed the established minimum rate by more than fifteen percent.
      1. Any increase in the starting rate above the minimum rate must be approved by the director of personnel prior to posting the position.
      2. An increase in the starting rate of classification may be limited to the university Kent campus or to one or more regional campuses. Decisions may be made on a geographical basis and will affect only those campuses designated in the posting.
      3. If a starting rate is increased for a classification, all incumbents in that classification employed at the affected campus, who are paid at a lesser hourly rate of pay, shall be advanced in pay to a rate equal to the new starting rate.
  5. Pay maximums. The maximum rate of pay is the upper limit for the classification(s) assigned to a pay grade. An employee's hourly rate of pay normally shall not exceed the maximum of the pay grade assigned to his/her classification except as provided herein. If, upon implementation of a new compensation plan, an employee's existing rate of pay exceeds the maximum rate for his/her classification, the employee's rate is "red circled."
  6. Pay adjustments. The need for and amount of a general pay adjustment for employees covered by this policy or for adjustment in the pay schedule, will be assessed by the university on an annual basis. Pay adjustments will be determined by the board of trustees. When approved, all employees covered by this policy will receive general pay adjustments normally applied to the employees' base pay.
  7. Impact on pay as a result of changes in compensation plan or classification.
    1. When an employee is reassigned to a different classification title and/or pay grade as the result of the implementation of a new compensation plan, or a revision in the compensation plan, the following will apply:
      1. No employee will receive a reduction in hourly rate as a result of implementation or revision of the university compensation plan.
      2. When an employee's hourly rate of pay is below the minimum rate for the newly assigned pay grade, the employee's hourly rate will be adjusted to the minimum of the new pay grade.
      3. When an employee's hourly rate is above the established maximum rate for the newly assigned pay grade, the employee's rate will be "red-circled" in accordance with paragraph (E) of this rule and of the Administrative Code.
    2. When an employee is promoted or reassigned, as a result of a reclassification review, to a classification in a higher pay grade, the employee's hourly rate of pay will be increased to the minimum hourly rate of pay for the new pay grade or to a rate five per cent above the employee's current hourly fate, whichever is greater, but not exceeding the maximum rate of the new pay grade.
    3. When an employee is demoted, reassigned, or assigned to a classification in a lower pay grade, the employee's hourly rate of pay shall be adjusted to a wage rate within the pay range of the lower pay grade deemed appropriate by the director of personnel.
    4. When an employee is transferred, assigned, or reassigned to a position or classification in the same pay grade, the employee's hourly rate of pay will not be affected.
    5. When an hourly employee in the unclassified service is appointed to a position in the classified service, the employee's hourly rate of pay in the new position shall be determined in the same manner as if he/she had been is the classified service.
    6. The effective date of pay changes, as a result of classification changes, shall be determined by the director of personnel, unless provided otherwise in this policy.
  8. Exempt/non-exempt status. All employees paid according to this policy shall be considered non-exempt form wage and hour overtime requirements described in rule 3342-6-07.9 of the Administrative Code unless specifically exempted form coverage by the director of personnel. The director of personnel may designate as exempt from these overtime provisions, specific positions that meet the exemption requirements defined in the Fair Labor Standard Act.
  9. This policy is effective for all determinations made on or after September 1, 2009.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
6/30/1991, 6/1/2007, 10/9/2009