Quick Tip: Captioning Your Kaltura Videos
Course accessibility is a time-sensitive activity. Throughout the course's development, you can take small steps to make course materials accessible, so when a student needs accommodation, it is available. Captioning videos can even help students who do not have an accommodation, for instance, if they do not know how to spell a term, cannot have the volume on, or simply learn better by reading.
- Step 1:
Start by uploading the video to Kaltura if it is not already uploaded. If you have a recorded lecture in PowerPoint, you can , and then upload it to Kaltura.
- Step 2:
The software that does the captioning within Kaltura is called Kaltura Reach. , and how you can use it to make your videos more accessible.
Important Note: If there is a student in your course with closed captioning accommodations from Student Accessibility Services, you will still need to contact SAS to ensure full accessibility. When you receive a course accessibility letter that includes closed captioning, submit your course information to SAS. SAS will provide accessible captions as needed and upload the captioned version into your Kaltura account.