
Fall 2023 Art Without Limits

Art Without Limits was held on October 11, 2023. 

The day-long event focused on arts entrepreneurship and developing an entrepreneurial mindset in the arts. Speakers shared their experiences and interacted with the attendees to hone skills and broaden networks.

New this year – we added special sessions for prospective students and invited high school groups to join us! High school groups attended the full conference and were offered unique sessions in Fashion, Art, Theatre, Dance, Music, and Game Design. These sessions were developed to engage and immerse prospective students in understanding viable pathways into the arts and will help in understanding what careers are available to them should they want to major in any of these areas.

This year's event took place in person on the Kent Campus.

  • FREE event!
  • Open to the public – those around Northeast Ohio are encouraged to attend.
  • Interactive activities and presentations for attending High School groups.