Table 3: Ratings Criteria of University Citizenship for Tenure for Faculty Members at the Kent Campus
Excellent |
Significant service and significant value added to the functioning of the Department.
Significant role in Department, Campus, College and/or University as evidenced by productive service on committees, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, specific administrative assignments, meaningful public outreach, directorship of programs, chairs, etc.
Very Good |
Sustained service and positive value added to the functioning of the Department.
Sustained role in Department, Campus, College and/or University as evidenced by productive service on committees, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, specific administrative assignments, meaningful public outreach, directorship of programs, chairs, etc.
Good |
Some positive value added to the functioning of the Department.
Some role in Department, Campus, College and/or University productive service on committees, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, specific administrative assignments, meaningful public outreach, directorship of programs, chairs, etc.
Fair |
Meets the minimal Department/Campus obligations by participating within Department/College/University.
Poor |
Does not meet Department/Campus obligations in a timely manner or does not actively participate in significant Department/campus events.