
Guidelines and Procedures

Periodic reviews of professional excellence are undertaken for continuing full-time TT faculty in accordance with agreements negotiated by the University and the AAUP-KSU.  The following guidelines apply to reviews of Kent Campus faculty only, and they are subject to specific directives issued by the Office of the Provost at the time of each review.  Review for Regional Campus faculty will follow guidelines determined for Regional Campuses.

The review for Faculty Excellence Awards shall be conducted by an Ad hoc Faculty Excellence Awards Committee consisting of the elected members of FAC from the Kent Campus.  The Department Chair, as non-voting ex officio Chair of FAC, shall Chair the meeting.  A rank ordering of colleagues who apply for Faculty Excellence Awards shall be constructed in each of three stipulated categories: (1) Teaching (40%); (2) Scholarship (40%); and (3) University Service (20%), along with proposed amounts for monetary awards to be added to base salaries.  These orderings are recommendations to the Chair, who will make final Department recommendations to the Dean.  (Members of the Ad hoc Committee shall excuse themselves from the meeting when deliberations and voting on their own applications take place.)  Processes for appeal will be governed by the guidelines issued by the Office of the Provost at the time of each review.

The following procedures shall be followed by faculty wishing to be considered for Faculty Excellence Awards.  For each category, faculty members shall prepare and submit a one-to-two-page summary of the accomplishments in the review period, listed in bullet form.    The lists should be clear and complete and provide documentation for each accomplishment listed.  Accompanying letters to the Ad hoc Faculty Excellence Awards Committee are unnecessary and will be disregarded.