
Criteria for Associate Membership

To qualify as an Associate member of the Graduate Faculty, a faculty member must hold a tenure-track position in the Department of Philosophy. The Graduate Faculty Committee will assess the rank of an Associate Member according to the following categories:

1.  A-1: This status will be recommended for those faculty members with the Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) who have demonstrated the potential for scholarly research and publication and who have demonstrated the potential for effective graduate teaching.

2.  A-2: For this status, a faculty member must have, in addition to the above:

a.   An ongoing research program in areas of expertise, AND

b.   Published one (1) article in a journal, edited book, or proceedings (refereed or invited), AND

c.   Made 3 scholarly presentations, refereed or invited.

3.  A-3: For this status, a faculty member must have, in addition to the above:

          a.   Published either:

    i.    six (6) articles (refereed or invited), or

          ii.   one (1) book.

b.   At least one program presentation before a professional body.

c.   Exhibited potential for good graduate teaching and thesis advising as both director and a committee member.

An Associate Member may:

1.   At level A-1: Teach graduate course work and serve on master's committees.

2.   At level A-2: Direct master's theses only under exceptional circumstances (as determined by the Graduate Faculty Committee and the Chair), as well as Level 1.

3.   At level A-3: Serve on doctoral committees, and (with departmental approval) co-direct doctoral dissertations, as well as Levels 1 and 2.