Participation in Externally Funded Projects
These guidelines are intended to facilitate externally funded projects while simultaneously protecting the daily operational needs of University Libraries. Only externally funded projects that must be administered by the Division of Research and Graduate Studies Sponsored Programs office (see: University Policy Register 3 - 04.1: ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURES REGARDING SPONSORED PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATION) fall under these guidelines. Smaller personal grants, such as the ALAO Research Grant, are exempt from these guidelines.
University Libraries Initiated Projects
University Libraries (UL) may initiate externally funded projects through the formal planning process or at the discretion of the Dean, in consultation with the College Advisory Committee (CAC) and the University Libraries Council (ULC). In authorizing individual participation in externally funded projects, every effort should be made to select faculty members with the strongest or most appropriate qualifications (e.g. subject specialty, professional experience). Moreover, initiatives that duplicate existing assignments or organizational commitments should be avoided, unless, through consultation as noted above, such duplication is viewed as supporting desirable expansions in UL service. The impact on the individual's "home" department should also be reviewed and, when necessary, arrangements be made to compensate for that individual's absence during the period of the externally funded project. Such involvement will typically be recognized as an in-kind contribution by the funding agency; identified as part of the individual's workload; and discussed with the individual's supervisor.