
How to Run a What-If Audit

Video Tutorial

If you are considering changing your major or minor, or if you are thinking about making any other changes in your declared program, you may find it helpful to run a "What If" audit. This will show you how changes you make will affect your degree progress. Please Note: the what if audit only provides you with information about how the classes you have already completed will apply to another program you are considering. It does not officially change your current program of study. To do that, you must talk with your advisor and complete the appropriate paperwork.

  1. Log into FlashLine and click on GPS. Your degree audit will appear.
  2. Select "What If" link under your student information.
  3. Choose your criteria:
    • If you are considering a different degree, you can change the selection in the degree box.
    • Next, you can choose a new major. 
    • Select a minor(s), if desired. Also, select a concentration if one is required for your what if major. Note that concentrations are not filtered by the major you selected. Therefore, you must be careful to select an appropriate concentration for the major or your results will not be accurate. Consult the undergraduate catalog and/or your advisor if you have any questions about minors and concentrations.
    • It's important to always choose the appropriate College from the College dropdown, as some requirements are specific to certain colleges. Consult the undergraduate catalog and/or your advisor if you have any questions about what to choose.
    • At any time, you can remove any of these selections. Simply change your selection to None (the top most option in the dropdown. 
  4. Once you've selected your criteria, click the "Process" button at the bottom right corner of your screen to see how your current classes apply toward the proposed program of study.
  5. Scroll through the audit to see how classes you have completed apply and what remains to be taken.

It is important to remember that running a What If audit is for scenario purposes only. If you decide to change to a new program, you must complete an official request through FlashLine. Please see your advisor for assistance. You should also know that you cannot save a What-If audit.


See the GPS Student Manual for screenshots and further details on using GPS.

If you have questions, please review the FAQs or contact your advisor.