Robert Browning
The Complete Works of Robert Browning
With Variant Readings & Annotations
Athens, Ohio University Press and Baylor University
Allan C. Dooley, Executive Editor 1985-98, General Editor 1999-
Jack W. Herring, General Editor 1985-98
Roma A. King, Jr., General Editor 1969-84
- v.1. Pauline. `Eyes calm beside thee'. Paracelsus. Ed. John Berkey and Morse Peckham. 1969.
- v.2. Pippa Passes. King Victor and King Charles. Essay on Chatterton. Ed. Gordon Pitts, John Berkey, and Roma A. King, Jr. 1970.
- v.3. Pippa Passes. King Victor and King Charles. Essay on Chatterton. Dramatic Lyrics. The Return of the Druses. Ed. Morse Peckham, Park Honan, Donald Smalley, and John Hulsman. 1971.
- v.4. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Columbe's Birthday. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. Luria. Ed. Thomas F. Wilson, Park Honan, Raymond Fitch, and Morse Peckham. 1973.
- v.5. A Soul's Tragedy. Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day. Essay on Shelley. Men and Women I. Ed. Allan C. Dooley, Jack W. Herring, Harry Krynicky, and Donald Smalley. 1981.
- v.6. Men and Women II. Ben Karshook's Wisdom. Eurydice to Orpheus. Dramatis Person?. Deaf and Dumb. Ed. Allan C. Dooley, Susan E. Dooley, and John C. Berkey. 1996.
- v.7-9. The Ring and the Book: books I-IV, V-VIII, IX-XII. Ed. Roma A. King, Jr., and Susan Crowl. 1985-89.
- v.10. Balaustion's Adventure; Including a Transcript from Euripides. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, saviour of society. Ed. Allan C. Dooley and Susan E. Dooley. 1999
- v.12. Aristophanes' Apology. Ed. Rita S. Patteson and Paul D. L. Turne r. 2001
- v.13. The Inn Album. Pacchiarotto. Ed. Ashby Bland Crowder. 1995.
- v.16. Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day. Ed. Susan Crowl and Roma A. King, Jr. 1998.
Editorial Board: Roma A. King, Jr. (1968-), Park Honan (1968-), Jack W . Herring (1974-99), Allan C. Dooley (1981-), Arthur N. Kincaid (1981-95), Morse Peckham (1969-70), Gordon Pitts (1969-70), Warner Barnes (1971-73)
Textual Consultant: Gordon Lindstrand (1973)