

University policy regarding study abroad and other international travel

  1. Policy statement. In accordance with the educational mission of Kent state university, students are encouraged to enhance their academic pursuits through university-operated and/or university-approved study abroad programs and opportunities. Study abroad opportunities are coordinated through the office of global education and administered according to this policy.
  2. Eligibility. This policy applies to all study abroad and international programs and opportunities operated by or approved by the university in accordance with this policy.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding student housing

  1. Purpose. Kent state university requires first-and second-year students enrolled for nine or more credit hours on the Kent campus to reside in the university's residence halls and participate in a residential meal plan. This requirement excludes summer sessions and is applicable until the attainment of junior academic standing (sixty semester credit hours) or the receipt of an exemption.
  2. Exemptions. Exemptions to this requirement must be requested through the process designated by university housing.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding solicitation and sales

  1. Purpose. To insure the orderly functioning of the university and to permit registered student organizations or university departments an opportunity to supplement their allocated resources, the university permits only these organizations and departments to engage in sales as a part of their legitimate service, educational or fund raising activities.
  2. Implementation. The implementation of this policy shall be the responsibility of the university administration.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding retirement

  1. Salary deduction.
    1. It is mandatory that tenured, tenure track, and non-tenure track faculty holding membership within a bargaining unit participate in either the state teachers retirement system of Ohio (STRS) or a qualified alternative retirement plan (ARP).
    2. It is mandatory that full-time classified staff and unclassified administrative staff participate in either Ohio public employees retirement system (OPERS) or a qualified ARP.
    3. Faculty, classified staff, and unclassified staff retirement contributions (the deferred salary) are c
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding reports by other officers to the board

  1. Purchase of insurance.
    1. Each year the treasurer of the university shall cause to be prepared a report that tabulates all insurance policies in force, including coverage, premiums, and agents servicing these policies.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding records retention

  1. The board of trustees hereby authorizes the development of a program for the administering of the records of Kent state university pursuant to sections   ,, and  of the Revised Code.
    1. The program created hereunder shall apply efficient and economical management methods to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retenti
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding parking regulations

  1. Preamble.
    1. The general assembly of the state of Ohio has granted the board of trustees the authority to create parking and traffic regulations to control the use of all vehicles on university property.
    2. This rule having been duly approved by the board of trustees is legally enforceable by the duly appointed enforcement officers of the university.
    3. All applicable statutes of the "Ohio Motor Vehicle Code" shall apply to all owners and/or operators of motor vehicles on university property.
    4. Parking services is a university auxi
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025


University policy regarding outside enterprises including employment of faculty and academic administrators

  1. Outside activities of a professional nature are encouraged if the activities are consistent with the individual's responsibilities to the university and in furtherance of the aims of the university.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 13, 2025
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