

Operational procedures and regulations regarding faculty office hours

  1. Policy statement. The purpose of this rule is to provide for minimum requirements regarding office hours required of faculty at Kent state university. The principal goal of office hours is to allow students access to faculty members. However, given the variations in time, location, and modality of courses (traditional, online or blended), it is possible that some flexibility within this rule may best serve student needs for access to faculty.
  2. Implementation.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational procedures and regulations regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students

  1. Purpose. In compliance with the university policy regarding the collection, retention and dissemination of information about students, the administrative policy contained in this rule has been established.
  2. Enforcement.
    1. The enforcement of this policy will be the responsibility of each major executive officer of the university and the supervisor of any office which retains information about students.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational procedures and regulations regarding change of grade

Faculty members may obtain a form for the purpose of changing a student's grade from their departmental offices, or, in the case of the college of fine and professional arts, from their school. The completed and signed form is to be returned to the departmental office for the chairperson's signature. The form is then to be submitted to the dean's office of the college in which the course is offered and then to be sent to the registrar for official recording. The student whose grade is in question must not be involved in the transmittal process of the forms.


Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational procedures and regulations on student organization use of university and rental vehicles

  1. Vehicle rentals. In order to process all necessary material, written requests for use of vehicles must be presented to the center for student involvement at least twenty-one calendar days in advance of the intended use by a member of a registered student organization.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational procedure regarding the use of skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, and similar conveyances on campus

  1. Purpose. Those commuting within Kent state university, in order to provide a safer environment for inner-campus commuting, are required to abide by the following.
  2. Scope of authority.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational policy regarding honorary degrees

  1. Purpose. Honorary degrees have been awarded by American colleges and universities since early colonial times as a way of recognizing persons of achievement. They have customarily been awarded to prominent alumni/alumnae of the granting institution and to professional and civic leaders, national and state leaders in public affairs, prominent educators, and distinguished contributors to the arts, sciences and humanities.
  2. Eligibility.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational policy regarding general nonacademic grievance procedure for students

  1. Purpose.  The purpose of the general nonacademic grievance procedure for students is to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all students, eliminate unlawful discrimination and unwarranted dissatisfaction, and resolve problems that occur in the nonacademic area so that constructive educational and developmental relationships can be maintained.  This policy does not apply to internal university processes and procedures that already have an established and written grievance or appeal process.  However, this policy may be utilized when the student be
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Operational policy and procedure regarding withdrawal from courses

  1. Course withdrawal indicates that a student intends to stop attending any or all classes for the current term.
  2. Course withdrawal is permitted through the tenth week of the fall or spring semester (prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled courses).
  3. After the withdrawal deadline, a student is considered to be committed to all remaining courses and must complete them.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025
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