

Administrative policy regarding persona non grata status for nonstudent visitors

  1. Purpose. This administrative policy and procedure is established to provide a fair and objective process by which to resolve nonstudent visitor behavior deemed detrimental to the university community.
  2. Definitions.
    1. Persona non grata. For the purposes of this rule, "persona non grata" means that an individual is no longer permitted to be present on specified university property or facilities.
    2. Nonstudent visitor.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding payroll deductions

  1. Payroll deductions, in addition to those mandated by law, may be made for the following:
    1. Charitable purposes if such qualify as a charity under federal income tax regulations;
    2. Gifts to the university or the "University Foundation, Incorporated";
    3. Employee association dues;
    4. United States savings bonds purchases;
    5. Meals when applicable; and
    6. Hospitalization, life or other insurance purchased through the university.
  2. All other deductions may be authorized only by the president after
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding parking regulations

  1. Parking credentials.
    1. Faculty and staff will be issued faculty/staff lot credentials on a first-come, first-served basis dependent upon available space. Faculty/staff credentials are not to be used by anyone other than the university employee.
    2. Students with thirty or more credit hours will be issued either residence hall lot credentials or commuter lot credentials by class standing on a first-come, first-served basis dependent on available space.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding paid leave donation

  1. Policy statement. It is the university s policy to permit classified and unclassified administrative and professional employees to contribute earned sick and vacation leave to other employees who are without sufficient paid leave to provide continued income during employees medically-documented serious health condition.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding overtime, overtime pay, compensatory time off and call-back pay for classified and unclassified hourly civil service staff members

  1. Purpose. The university will pay eligible employees who work outside their regular work schedule fairly and equitably and in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  2. Eligibility. This policy applies to university employees not covered by existing collective bargaining agreements and codifies the pay practices associated with working overtime. Those employees who are members of recognized units for collective bargaining purposes will be governed by the provisions of formal agreements between the recognized bargaining agent and the university.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding recording of university property for a commercial or other non-university related purpose

  1. Policy statement. Any individual or entity seeking to utilize university property, facilities, personnel and/or use identifiable university landmarks/ buildings/logos for a commercial or other non-university initiated purpose must submit a written proposal to the university at least two weeks prior to the expected date of arrival on campus. The vice president for the division of university communications and marketing, or such designee as provided for herein, is responsible for the implementation of this policy.
  2. Scope.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding nondiscrimination and access to university programs for qualified students with disabilities

  1. Purpose. Kent state university recognizes that the academic mission of this institution is to provide equal learning opportunities for every individual.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025
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