

Administrative policy regarding budget administration

  1. The primary responsibility for controlling expenditures within appropriated amounts rests with each department head. Expenditures in excess of the budget should not be incurred without the knowledge and approval of the appropriate vice president.
  2. Budget administration.
    1. Expenditures. Each vice president is responsible for the total expenditures of his or her particular major program area.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding awards and prizes for employees

  1. Policy statement. Awards and prizes may be conferred to an employee only if awarded through:
    1. A documented program developed, communicated, and implemented by the appropriate executive officer; or
    2. A sanctioned university-wide or divisional program established for recognition of employees.
    3. Approval delegees are allowable provided they meet the requirements as defined in rule 3342-5-04.1 of the Administrative Code.
  2. Implementation.
    1. Cash awards and prizes.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding auxiliary agencies

  1. Policy statement. As recommended by the president and approved by the board, certain university operations, whose income includes substantial amounts of other than imposed fees or appropriated revenue, shall be designated as auxiliary services.
  2. Scope. For budgeting purposes, an auxiliary service is a fiscal entity. The manager or supervisor of each shall prepare an annual report under the direction of the comptroller including a statement of income and expenditures and a description of the operation for the year in review.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding athletics in the regional campuses

  1. General.
    1. The student population at the university's regional campuses is different in terms of age, credit hour load, and interests from the Kent campus student population. A high percentage of regional campus students work (some full-time) while attending classes.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding assignment of automobiles

  1. All University vehicles are to be acquired in compliance with University purchasing policy maintained in 3342-5-12.3.
  2. Automobiles, excluding gifts in kind, are to be selected with participation and guidance from the procurement department in accordance with this policy.
  3. Employees eligible for University provided vehicles shall include the President, Executive Officers, and other University employees, as approved by the President.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding annual vacation leave for nonteaching unclassified and non-bargaining classified staff

  1. Policy statement. The university recognizes the importance of providing staff an opportunity for recreation or other personal matters without loss of compensation.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding allocation and use of student activities fees

  1. Purpose. The board has designated a portion of the general fee as the student activities fee. See the current "Fee Register" for the amount, which is subject to change.
  2. Distribution of the student activities fee. This fee is divided and allocated as follows:
    1. A portion of the student activities fee paid by all students will be designated for all campus student publications.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding additional compensation for university employees

  1. Individuals may receive compensation over and above the usual contractual payment up to a maximum of twenty per cent of the academic year salary or summer session salary, whichever is appropriate, when the monies come from: extramural sources, regional campuses for Kent campus faculty, the Kent campus for regional campuses faculty and continuing education activities; and when the activity is one which clearly is not normally expected under the terms of principal employment and does not interfere with the typical teaching, research and service functions of the facul
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy regarding academic probation

  1. Academic probation is a means of informing a student that his or her academic performance or progress is unsatisfactory while there may still be time for remedy.
  2. Academic probation is imposed by the academic deans, from whom specifics are available. Such probation is usually accompanied by restrictions in the number of credit hours which may be attempted in any given term and specifications as to the grade average necessary for a student to be allowed to continue for another term
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025
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