

Administrative policy regarding grade point average adjustment

  1. Purpose. The grade point average (GPA) adjustment policy provides students a second chance at pursuing their academic goals.
  2. Eligibility. To be eligible for a GPA adjustment, students must meet all the following conditions at the time of the request: officially admitted, reenrolled or reinstated to Kent state university; undergraduate status; and seeking a degree or certificate and enrolled in Kent state university credit courses.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy on responsible use of information technology

  1. Purpose. To ensure compliance with the university policy on responsible use of information technology, Kent state university establishes the following administrative policy which supplements university policy and any guidelines or regulations developed by individual units of the university, as well as applicable federal and state laws.
  2. User responsibilities.
    1. University assigned accounts ("UserID"), computer and network access accounts are for the personal use of that individual only.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy on mandatory immunization/ screening of students

  1. Purpose: This policy is established as a health and safety practice for the entire university community. Immunization of students will mitigate the risk of communicable disease outbreaks that can jeopardize the university community's health and well-being.  University health services (DeWeese health center) is responsible for enforcing this rule.
  2. Definitions:
    1. Student.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy on entry and use of university offices

  1. Purpose. In order to provide maximum privacy and security for individual office space, the following administrative policy applies to all university offices assigned to one or more individuals.
  2. Operational procedure.
    1. A person may enter an assigned office space only:
      1. With proper authorization from the occupant;
      2. In performance of her/his regular duties as a university employee (i.e. custodial. maintenance. health.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy on campus emergencies, safety and security and related technologies

  1. Policy statement. The purpose of the policy is to prepare the university to effectively plan for, respond to, and recover from a major emergency and to delegate the coordination of emergency management and public safety initiatives on all university campuses and locations through the director of public safety.
  2. Authority.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy for reporting and investigating fraud and fiscal abuse

  1. The university has responsibility for the stewardship of university resources and the public and private support that enables it to pursue its mission. It is, therefore, committed to the highest standards of fiscal responsibility to establish an environment that assures institutional assets are properly accounted for and safeguarded from loss, abuse or misuse. This policy is established to communicate the methods for members of the university community to report actual or suspected fraud or fiscal abuse and the process to be followed for investigating a report.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025


Administrative policy for contract administration

  1. Purpose statement. This policy designates the process by which university officials are authorized to negotiate and enter into contracts on behalf of Kent state university in accordance with the authority established in rule 3342-5-04 of the Administrative Code.
  2. Scope. This policy applies to all employees at Kent state university (“university employees”), whether temporary, term, or continuing, part-time or full-time positions.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 12, 2025
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