
Faculty Research




Research Interests

Active Research Projects

Dr. Richard Adams


Trauma, mental health, positive youth development, urban life

Analyzing veteran’s health, police cadets and well-being, and positive youth development…more

Dr. Katrina Bloch



Hate groups, hate speech, hate crimes, racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, anti-immigrant, economic insecurity, inequality

Hate group mobilization in the United States…more

Dr. Rebecca Catto


Religion, science, atheism, beliefs

"Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum of Global Perspectives"…more

Dr. Christopher Dum


Prison, reentry, public opinion, qualitative methods, sex offense policy, critical criminology, experimental methods

Experiences of individuals geographically separated from loved ones; public attitudes towards those with criminal histories and how to change those attitudes…more

Dr. Susan Fisk


Inequality, gender and leadership, broadening participation in computing

Broadening participation in computing…more

Dr. Mary Gallagher


Stark Self, identity, mental illness, stigma

Refining the measurement of reflected appraisals from different sources and theoretically and empirically clarifying their role in identity processes.

Dr. Carla Goar


Race, family, adoption

White adoptive parents of children of color and their description of their evolving awareness and lived experiences of race…more

Dr. Adrian Jones


Crime, deviance, substance use, neighborhoods, positive youth development

How factors like neighborhood poverty, peer associations, family attachment, etc. predict adolescent/young adult outcomes like substance use, delinquency, well-being…more

Dr. Jessica Leveto


Family, work, motherhood, academia, COVID, inequalities, higher education policy

Impact of COVID on academic mothers (administrators, faculty, and graduate students); institutional policies to mediate COVID impact on academic mothers…more

Dr. Elias Nader


Police, evaluation research, life course criminology

Examining the usage of aerial surveillance by the Baltimore city police department…more

Dr. Manacy Pai


Aging and health, cognitive decline, non-cognition, neighborhoods, later life family

Assessing the correlates and consequences of cognitive decline in middle-aged and older adults…more

Dr. Josh Pollock


Neurosociology, stress, fear, electrophysiology, group performance, virtual reality, social cohesion, human interaction

We utilize EEG, physiological assessments (Heart rate variability, Galvanic skin response, etc.) along with effective research design to interrogate behaviors with a primary focus on group performance…more

Dr. Lydia Rose

East Liverpool

Undergraduate Student Research Assistant – Social Science Research Lab (SSRL)

A Citizen Science Environmental Justice Study; A Community Coalition Study to Build a Culture of Health…more

Dr. Norman Rose


Appalachia, census data, geographic information science, photography, imagery as data, urban sociology, neighborhood change, flood control

Documenting changes to the City of Pikeville, Kentucky after they received millions of dollars in urban renewal grants and rerouted the river from the city through a mountain for flood control…more

Dr. Susan Roxburgh


Mental health, sociology of food

Childhood adversity and anger among the incarcerated;

depictions of vegetarianism and veganism in advertising in Good Housekeeping, 1960-2020…more

Dr. Clare Stacey


Emotions, death and dying, medical sociology

Longitudinal study of empathy development in medical trainees that utilizes both qualitative (interview, ethnographic) and quantitative research methods;

qualitative research on the provision of end-of-life care in the US…more

Dr. Tiffany Taylor


Hate groups, hate speech, hate crimes, racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, anti-immigrant, economic insecurity, inequality

Hate group mobilization in the United States…more
