Juniors and seniors enrolled in the Organizational Communication Training and Development course (COMM 45865) spent the fall semester engaged in a service-learning project to prepare and facilitate a full training seminar for a local business. The course prepares students for roles as facilitators, coaches and consultants, and promotes a needs-centered training approach to meet specific organizational objectives.
This year’s partner was Leadership Stark County. On Thursday, Dec. 3, students successfully presented their training session to address communication complexities of mixed generations in the modern workplace, as well as Groupthink, and mediated communication solutions.
In addition to the Leadership Stark County staff, attendees at the seminar included representatives from the Canton Stark County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, Community and Workforce Development (Eric Smer), and Energy and Public Affairs (David Kaminski), both affiliates of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.
For more information about this course, contact Lisa Waite, senior lecturer, at 330-244-3410 or lawaite@kent.edu.