
UC Ambassadors
Get to know the undergraduate students that represent University College!

Meet the UC Ambassadors



Isaiah Allen

Isaiah Allen

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Being involved in the University College allowed me to explore and grow in myself the by doing academic coaching being and being apart of community engaged learning with alternative breaks.

University College Representation: Community Engaged Learning


Gio Bagtas

Gio Bagtas

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Being surrounded by other Exploratory majors in my Flashes 101 class and Career Navigation class provided by University College helped relieve the stress of choosing a major and being comfortable in exploring career paths.

University College Representation: Exploratory Program


Tabetha Blake

Tabetha Blake

Has made me grow as a person and has helped me with communication skills with talking to people in certain conversations and interviews. Also helping with giving advice to people who needed most.

University College Representation: Student Support Services


Sera Brady

Sera Brady

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

I love being a student leader because it gives me the chance to educate other students on issues that I care about while we are actively working together to help with the issue.

University College Representation: Community Engaged Learning


Penelope Cervantes

Penelope Cervantes

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

University College had truly made me feel at home with Kent State. I feel more connected with campus, and it has encouraged me to become a student leader.

University College Representation: McNair Scholars


Demarie Fairbanks

Demarie Fairbanks

My Involvement with Provost Leadership Academy has been such a light to me during my freshmen year. I made so many new connections and got to be apart of so many awesome experiences.

University College Representation: Student Success Programs


Anthony Giancola

Anthony Giancola

Pronouns: He/Him/His

The University College team has made me feel like I was part of something greater than being a student. I felt welcomed and free to learn from my peers whilst growing as a whole.

University College Representation: Student Success Programs


Erin Hawkins

Erin Hawkins

Pronouns: She/heR/hers

My involvement with University College has allowed me to explore various interests and develop my leadership skills throughout college.

University College Representation: Academic Success Center


Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson

Pronouns: HE/HIM/HIs

My involvement with University College has granted me with so many amazing opportunities and long lasting connections. The faculty/staff of University College is genuinely my chosen family. Especially my 2022 McNair Scholars Cohort.

University College Representation: McNair Scholar Program

Roshai Jones

Ronshai Jones

Pronouns: He/Him/His

For me personally, University College has helped me a lot because of all the people I met and the connections I've made.

University College Representation: Community Engaged Learning


Nate Lennox

Nate Lennox

Pronouns: he/Him/His

Starting as an Exploratory student has allowed me to try lots of different things and confidently declared my major. This connected me to many different leadership opportunities that are enriching my college experience, e.g., peer connections, support networks, and new opportunities for growth.

University College Representation: Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Senator for University College


Tyonna Long

Tyonna Long

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Working as a Front Desk Specialist at the Academic Success Center has made me realize how dedicated Kent State is to the success of each of its students.

University College Representation: Academic Success Center


Amanda Motsi

Amanda Motsi

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Being a part of anything on campus has led me to make more friends, and meet more people. My college experience did not seem worth while until I started feeling at home through campus involvement.

University College Representation: Student Success Programs


Delana Ray

Delana Ray

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

My involvement in University College made a difference in my college experience through being able to find many opportunities and resources that'll help me achieve my goals and academic success.

University College Representation: Exploratory Advising Center


Shane Reese

Shane Reese

Pronouns: he/Him/His

Being involved in University College has provided me with on campus involvement. 

University College Representation: Student Success Programs


Taina Rivera

Taina Rivera

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Being a part of University College has connected me with amazing opportunities that I would have never experienced if I wasn't involved. I owe so much of my college success to the efforts of University College.

University College Representation: Exploratory Advising Center


Natalie Ruple

Natalie Ruple

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

My time as a Career Peer for Career Exploration and Development has helped me grow not only as a student but also as a professional. I have gained many tools to be successful in a professional space.

University College Representation: Career Exploration and Development


Emma Sandy

Emma Sandy

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

University College has helped me create strong connections on campus, especially in the Provost Leadership Academy. Going from the role of mentee to mentor really helped shape who I've become at KSU.

University College Representation: Student Success Programs


Adjah Top

Adjah Top

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

University College involvement has made a difference in my college experience because it has allowed me to grow as a person and helped me decide what to major in and what I wanted to do with my future.

University College Representation: Student Support Services


Maris Walter

Maris Walter

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Working as a Peer Academic Coach has allowed me to improve my communication and leadership skills. I've also learned a lot about myself through transitioning from exploratory to my declared major.

University College Representation: Academic Success Center


Mia Ward

Mia Ward

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

University College has led me to meet some of my closest friends by being in the Exploratory Learning Community in Lake Hall. I also meet with the Exploratory Mentors and learned a lot from them.

University College Representation: Exploratory Advising Center