
Order for Faculty Meetings

A. After the determination of a quorum and the call to order, the business of Faculty meetings shall be conducted in the following order, unless changed as noted below:

1. Acceptance of the Agenda

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Elections

4. Old Business

5. New Business

6. Dean's report

7. Regional Campuses' report

8. Discussion of Faculty Reports 

a. Faculty Senate

b. Provost's Advisory Council

c. Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Provost's Advisory Council

d. College Advisory Committee

e. Faculty Senate Budget Advisory Committee

f. Standing committees - required at Annual Meeting only

g. Ad hoc committees

h. Reports of faculty chairs/representatives to external committees

a. University Libraries National Advisory Council

b. Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee

c. United Way

9. Adjournment

B. The old and new business to be discussed at Faculty meetings will be determined by the Dean in consultation with CAC. 

C. Amendments to the agenda, including additions or deletions, or changes in the order, may be proposed only prior to the adoption of the agenda. These amendments must be approved by a simple majority vote of the Faculty members present.

D. After the agenda for a meeting has been accepted, the order in which items are dealt with shall be changed only by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty members present.

E. The agenda for meetings of the entire faculty will be decided by the Dean in consultation with CAC.