
Division of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement

Charlotte L. “Char” Hughes, ’63, and Janette M. Aten

Charlotte L. “Char” Hughes, ’63, and Janette M. Aten, ’63, met while doing their laundry in Terrace Hall, where they both lived as students at 鶹ý. Soon, they were inseparable. “Our time at Kent State was very enjoyable,” Char remembered. “We liked our professors, and we had a great group of friends.”Both education majors, the pair went on to teach together in the Parma City Schools and were roommates until Janette married Michael Aten in 1970.In Char’s annual meeting with her financial advisor, they were discussing how to use the required minimum distribution for her IR...

鶹ý at Geauga has won another Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Grant for nearly $73,000. Designed to keep local food-service workers safe, participants will gain an increased awareness of potential job hazards and workplace injuries in the restaurant sector.This grant provides funding for Kent State Geauga to develop new instructor-led training materials and implement a two-hour training program in Restaurant Worker Hazards.Participants will learn how to mitigate and control hazards through proper handling procedures and using personal protective equipment...

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