
Voting & Criteria Details


Voting will be simple, anonymous, and virtual.  This is mean to be fun and will be designed to ensure it is not just a popularity contest.  

Live Competition: 

People attending the live preliminary sessions will be asked to vote for the presentations they viewed. The winner from each of the preliminary rounds will be announced at the end of the round. The winners from each preliminary round will present on stage during the Live Finale on April 11 at CTL's End of Year Extravaganza. All attendees will vote for our Live Champion in real time.

Asynchronous Competition:

Submissions for the Asynchronous Competition will be available between March 24 and April 10 at noon, with voting occurring asynchronously.  The Top 3 videos will be played live during CTL's End of Year Extravaganza on April 11, and attendees will vote for our Asynchronous Champion in real time. 


Champion Criteria

Competitors will be judged on their ability to make the content relevant, to provide clear and concise explanations, to provide purposeful visuals, to use appropriate pacing, etc. More details about the voting criteria for THE GREAT KENT STATE TEACH-OFF COMPETITION* will be available in mid January 2025.

*if you didn't imagine a loud speaker and exciting announcer voice, try reading it again