
Kent State Connects Blog: Confidence in the Kitchen, The Love of Gardening, and Take the Risk Test

Having Confidence in the Kitchen

Having Confidence in the Kitchen
On the  employee blog, Associate Professor Barbara Scheule from the School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration, writes about having confidence in the kitchen and invites you to share your favorite cookbooks or Web pages that have guided you in your explorations in the kitchen.

“Are you one of those people who can dive into the kitchen and whip up an ‘amazing’ meal in no time with ingredients on hand?  No?  Well you are not alone,” Scheule says.

 to read more.

For the Love of Gardening...

Maria Terleckyj provided this photo of a Gooseneck Loosetrife in her garden. Terleckyj is planning a Kent State faculty and staff plant exchange this spring.Maria Terleckyj, special assistant for HR Records in the Division of Human Resources, writes about her love of gardening. Terleckyj is planning a faculty and staff plant exchange this spring.

“The first day of spring brings us Northeast Ohioans a sense of new beginning. The escape from the dreary winter is near. The cold is almost gone.  The thought of sun-filled days makes you giddy. Then, if you are like me, a self-proclaimed ‘gardening nerd,’ there is the excitement of planning what you will be doing with your vegetable and flower gardens this year,” Terleckyj says.

to read more.

Are You at Risk? Take the Risk Test.
Paula DiVencenzo,
tax manager with Tax and Treasury Services at Kent State, and volunteer with the American Diabetes Association, writes about the risk factors of diabetes.

“There are 25.8 million children and adults in the United States (8.3 percent of the population) that have diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet). Seven million people have diabetes but do not know it. Another 79 million people have pre-diabetes,” DiVencenzo says.

 to read more and take the diabetes risk test.

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POSTED: Monday, March 25, 2013 12:00 AM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM
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